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Capita Plc
An onboarding platform for enterprise and their new joiners.

Taking the reigns

Jigsawxyz won a contract to deliver an employee onboarding product after a successful discovery phase by McKinsey.

I took the reigns from 3 designers having to quickly learn about the product and the problems it was trying to solve.

2020 - 2021
Product Owner, Engagement Manager
Sketch, UXpin, Miro, Jira/Confluence

Talent acquisition is expensive

I knew from my previous roles that hiring is expensive and difficult, but what I knew less about was just how important a good onboarding can be in retaining those new hires both in the short and long term.

69 %
of employees are more likely to stay for three years if they experience great onboarding.
33 %
of new starters look for a new job in the first six months, as a direct result of poor background checking and onboarding.


Discovery was led by myself and included the Product Owner, Lead Engineer, and Lead Researcher.

The two researchers worked a sprint ahead of design which in turn was a sprint ahead of delivery. Being Agile and on a greenfield product, we often had to be flexible with our ways of working to ensure we continued to deliver the most important next thing.

When I was instated as the Product Manager we adopted a dual-track agile process to increase our agility, which led to our best through-put (most story points complete, highest % of stories in sprint complete) and quality (least bugs) at a time when the project was under stress.

New Joiner Experience

The New Joiner experience was key to the product's success. Low user engagement would not only fail to give the MI tool data but also fail to deliver on the user need.


The platform is a companion from the moment a candidate receives their contract to their probation review

Company manuals

HR can embed files or use the built-in CMS to provide content to the new joiner.


The product was due to integrate various platforms new joiners use in their journey

Content Checklist

The platform's core checklist feature allows users to be reminded of necessary tasks and for managers to track the progress.

Management Information Experience

The back of house experience comprised of two core user types: System Administrators, and Line Managers. System administrators had billing management, performance reports and facilities to manage the content served to the user.

Content Design

I worked closely with another Capita company 33ThirtyThree in New York to produce quality content and a content style guide that would inform future designs of the controlled vocabulary and tone of voice.

Whitelabel branding

I'm not normally a proponent of white labelling. But between Capita's harsh cyan pallet and the need for the user to familiarise themselves with their employers brand meant it was of genuine value to the user. I designed a UI that was simple to rebrand, avoiding common issues such as accessibility and clashes of the UI colours and the brand colours.

Visual Design System

Having settled on the core design patterns and visual treatments in the interface I documented the outcomes. I seldom do this before the first iteration of the product as documents are expensive to maintain and there's little certainty as to what is likely to persist in the product.

Before and After

Job role view

my design

Login view

my design