My series of interview presentations are a collection of real artefacts I created for real interviews.
I was asked after an initial video call to work on a design task. The task was to build an app to help people order and collect food from the office canteen.
Interview stats
Interview stage
1st stage
Progressed to 2nd stage
Did I get the job?
No, salary demands not met
I don't like re-inventing the design challenge, but in this case, I really wanted to demonstrate the process. The requirement to design an app just leapt over the 'should we even build this' question that you'll see if you read Lean Startup by Eric Reis.
I focussed on a much smaller task, validating the need for an app. From there I had enough content to work with and demonstrate the UX process end to end.
Designing a full application would have taken a long time, and undoubtedly involved a lot of pixel pushing, which isn't what I'm selling myself on.